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 5 Ways To Make Your Smartphone Battery Last Longer


Mobile phones have become part of our lives and we rely on them for communication, entertainment, navigation, among others. However, the battery life is one consistently problem that all phone users share. Even though technology has evolved, most of us still find out phone batteries dying sooner than we anticipated. Fortunately, there are several ways through which you can extend the battery life of your smartphone. This paper will explore five efficient techniques that will allow you get maximum utility from your battery life.


1.Optimize Your Screen Settings 

The screen is one of the main reasons why a smartphone’s battery dies so fast sometimes. With high-resolution displays becoming common on today’s smartphones especially those with big screens consume a lot of power. The following are some tips on how to optimize screen settings and extend its battery power:

Decrease Screen Brightness

Having a high brightness level on your screen can significantly reduce its lifetime at maximum settings; however, by reducing it to the lowest comfortable level may enable you use it for hours more. Additionally, most smartphones include auto-brightness feature which adjusts the brightness as per outside illumination. Once enabled this option saves on battery since it makes sure that the brightness does not go beyond what is required.


Use Dark Mode

However, many contemporary smartphones are equipped with a dark mode feature. This option alters the background of the apps and interface to black or dark tones. Nevertheless, if you use dark mode, it can save you some considerable power due to the fact that in OLED and AMOLED screens, less energy is needed for displaying black pixels.


Shorten Screen Timeout

The screen timeout setting determines how long your phone’s screen stays on after you’ve stopped interacting with it. Reducing your screen timeout to a shorter period (like 15 seconds or 30 seconds) can help ensure that your display does not stay on unnecessarily long, which will save battery life.

Manage Your Connectivity  

Smartphones usually have different wireless capabilities like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and mobile data which are very helpful but also very power hungry features. Adjusting such settings concerning your connectivity will enable you expand the lifespan of your battery.


Turn Off Unnecessary Connections

 Inactivity time of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS should be turned off when they’re not in use. They look for other devices continuously hence continue using up power even though they may not be active on phone at a given time; in this case there are already quick settings toggles on many phones allowing users switch them off easily.


2.Use Airplane Mode

 Your phone tries harder to find and maintain a signal when you are in an area with poor signal reception thereby draining its battery. Such scenarios or if you are not available and do not want to receive any call during a flight or meeting, it would be wise to activate the airplane mode to prolong battery life dramatically. so that the battery of the phone is not wasted in such a process.so that the battery of the phone is not wasted in such a process.

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